Friday, October 22, 2010


Forte. or as Dr House calls it 'mojo'. In his case, it is his ability to diagnose his patients illnesses'. Everyone has their strongest point or specialty. Some are lucky enough to discover them at an early age. Sometimes I wonder how people discover theirs. Is it by trial and error like how parents send their children to all the swimming classes, music lessons and ballet classes? Or by chance? ( You mean you just stumble upon it? But how?)
Some are just talented dancers and musicians than others. We like to say they are born to do it. Sometimes, it is like a phenotype expressed from the person's genes. For example, like father, like son or like mother, like daughter. It just runs in the family.
And then, there is another issue; do you do things that you are good at and then like doing it or your passion doing it makes you eventually good at it? In short, forte followed by liking or passion followed by good at doing it.
Sometimes too, you feel like you are losing your 'mojo'. Then, you start thinking if your 'mojo' is really your 'mojo'. Let me tell you. If you have found your 'mojo', it is not going to go anywhere. It is where you left it.

On another note, I have watched 'The Other Guys' and 'Precious'. 'The Other Guys' is a comedy movie about two detectives trying to be the next police heroes in town. It has some unpredictable jokes but in my opinion, not worth the money. 'Precious' on the other hand is a great movie. I first knew about it when I watched the Oscar Awards where it bagged the Best Supporting Actress award.

1 comment:

  1. One of the key factors that determine your "mojo" is your passion. Passion leads to a thirst for knowledge and the satisfaction that goes with it will push to to go for more!
